This cautionary tale came up a few times at Agile 2010 (yes I know this may be old news!) – including one of the keynote speeches.
“For a million dollars we’ll make you Agile.
Here’s a list of previous clients whom we helped achieve a 1,000% performance improvement. Lead times halved, profits doubled and everyone was AWESOME!.
Here’s some REAL DATA …”
What you’ve not been told is that those testimonies are statistical outliers!
These are the top 1-5% of companies that have successfully undergone a major transformation. (or the bar was set very low to start with) There are thousands of companies out there that don’t reach these lofty heights.
The journey is longer and harder than the marketing will ever tell you but that’s fine as long as you know what you’re investing in and why.
Your organization is unique. There are many factors about your organization that will make significant improvements hard to achieve and most of them will not be technical. The forces of resistance will be many and will be a mix of institutionalized and personal.
Let’s replay this with a more realistic conversation…
A consultant visits your site, and does a “free” one-day Agile Assessment of your teams.
“OK Boss. Right now you suck at developing software. Give us a million dollars, a year of your time and a willingness to drop productivity for a while and we can make you suck a bit less.”
Furthermore, they won’t actually be able to tell you just how much less you can suck and by when.
Why not?
Back to all those forces of resistance – how many of those can you really prod, assess and quantify in a day or even a week?
Every company, organization and site differs.
The investment may still be worthwhile but it’s time to manage expectations better. Those assessments should highlight where unexpected limitations lie. Maybe they could offer alternative higher priority areas to tackle (rather than up-selling scope).
If product development and software engineering was like cutting coke cans, there really would be a “one true right way” of producing software products.
Moreover. There wouldn’t be a thousand consultancies promising you the moon on a stick, there wouldn’t be conferences on improving the state of the art and there wouldn’t be hundreds of books full of great ideas on how to do/be agile or perform software engineering a little bit better.
In fact chances are there wouldn’t be a competitive software industry.
Or would there?
• Maybe there really is a one true way and the entire software, consulting, authoring and conference industry is in on the joke.
• Maybe all those leading lights on their skiing trip a decade ago came up with one of the world’s greatest “Long Cons”
• Oh and they invited 3M to the party and agreed to promote stickies in the 21st century in exchange for a marketing budget.
Probably not…
There are no “best practices”. Stop looking for them, stop asking consultants and Scrum Masters to implement them.
There are only “best known practices for your current state, knowledge and context”.
When your state, knowledge and context change, it’s time to look at what’s next and more importantly – what’s beyond your current focus – what have you missed or not considered yet?
What did you discard previously because there were constraints or issues preventing them working? (I learned a great term for this from Chris Matts &/or Dan North – I can’t remember which – “Idea Wombling” – seeking out great ideas that were previously discarded)
You may reach a point where your organizational immune system (politics and process) blocks progress.
Sometimes you’ll need outside help to see what’s “better” or learn new ways of working. That outside help can often be more effective at delivering hard truths than you can yourself. It’s worth investing in “straight-talk” from strangers sometimes.
Figure out what is holding larger improvements back (and where) and determine who you could pair with either externally or in a different part of the organization to make a real difference!