Escaping the Oubliette (Part 2) – Tailing

Reading time ~ 4 minutes

Following my previous articles on topping and debt prevention, we’ll now focus on the easier parts. How to clear old defects and debt. we’ll cover 4 simple strategies; 2 for defects and 2 for debt. (there are paired similarities across these).

For defects, we’ll focus on:

For debt we’ll focus on:

Unlike prevention and stop the bleeding activities which often require significant effort and commitment to accomplish, defect and debt removal have some simple and relatively low effort options. There are some high-effort/impact alternatives that we’ll cover later.

Today we’ll look at…

Tailing & Ratcheting

When you have a build up of defects over time you tend to have a “tail” of really old defects and issues. These are usually low or medium severity/priority items (with the occasional blip) and are often in functionally gray areas requiring difficult decisions or significant rework.

They age because we don’t want to touch them and would rather forget about them (the oubliette again). A typical defect age distribution looks something like this:

right-skewed beta distribution

right-skewed beta distribution

It’s one of the most common statistical patterns I see in software development (and I’ll return to it in future) but for the purposes of this article, I want to look at the “tail” of this curve- that last 5-10% of your defect population – all your oldest items.

Addressing the tail is pretty straightforward. You can either set yourself a target “maximum defect age by a given date” or simply focus on continuous improvement. Whilst the target approach gives you a clear goal, you risk setting yourself up for failure or under-commitment. Defects are considered notoriously hard to size (I’ll cover this myth in future) but chances are if they’re old they’re probably a bit tricky too so being predictable about dates is something you might prefer to avoid for starters.

Whether you aim for a specific target or improving every day/week/month you’ll need the same stepped approach.

Identify your oldest defect, pick it off the end of the queue and commit to closing it quickly and fairly.

Here’s the first thing to accept… Closing doesn’t mean fix it in every case. Because you’ve not touched it for a while, chances are someone is expecting a solution so you’ll be looking at a difficult conversation if you don’t fix it but that might be far easier than “fixing” something that shouldn’t be changed or will derail your team and product. Make open, fair, honest decisions in each case.

  • If it is something you think you should be fixing, get on with it.
  • If it’s not – close it

Sound familiar?

Aim to close at least one of your oldest defects every week or every sprint.

If you have a lot of items that are considered old, consider increasing your capacity on these in the short term to get the ball rolling. (at the cost of other delivery activities)

If we look back to your distribution of defects over time, when you do close out your oldest defects, put a ratchet mechanism in place that sets a continuously reducing maximum age.  In very bad weeks the ratchet may not improve but don’t let the numbers get worse again or the effort and good faith from your teams and management will have been wasted.

With a ratchet, remember each “notch” is a step change from the last point. For example if your last point was 1000 days(!), clearing everything older than that should leave some defects nearly 1,000 days old. Set the next ratchet point to 950 days (rather than 997), determine what falls in that next block (950-999) and fix those. Ensure each ratchet point is a larger time window than your execution period otherwise you’ll end up stationary. (I usually go for a ratchet up of 50 days improvement per week or sprint).

Here’s what I mean…

Defects Tail

Ratcheting out the oldest defects each week

3 months of this tailing practice every week will dramatically reduce the average and maximum age of issues in your queue. It’ll make you all feel better and it usually helps to draw the heat off on escalations for a while. (Bear in mind you should be doing this in addition to your “topping” approaches).

Occasionally you’ll reopen some old wounds this way but paying these some attention now stops them coming back up when the timing isn’t under your control.

Keep this up for six months or a year and you’ll reach a stable point where nothing gets too old and your team becomes adept at having difficult conversations with your customers early and backs them up with some successes as well.

Eventually in order to keep the ratcheting improving you’ll have to commit more people. This probably means you’re approaching your natural level of control or entitlement where you have aging defects levelling off and others being addressed in a reasonably consistent manner. It’s up to you whether you aggressively pursue the numbers down further or sustain them at this level.

In case this sounds too obvious or simple to work, I’m working with a team right now that introduced this ratcheting approach less than a month ago. We’ve reduced our oldest defect age by over 25% and customer escalations are consistently lower already. Perhaps most important to the team; we’re no longer at the top of the charts when our leaders review the defect stats. Although harsh-sounding. Sometimes, having someone else drawing the heat for a while lets us get back to focusing on value and priorities.

In part 3 we’ll look at an old favourite – the “bug blitz” or feel free to skip to part 4 – “the litter patrol“.

Escaping the Oubliette (Part 1) – Topping

Reading time ~ 2 minutes

As promised, how to Escape The Oubliette

So here you are, part of a team at the bottom of the defect & debt pit. What now?

The simple fact is, there’s no one answer but there are a selection of tools and there is a key.

The key comes courtesy of a comment from Jim Highsmith during one of his sessions at Agile 2010 – my paraphrasing below…

“Teams facing technical debt need both debt reduction and debt prevention strategies.”

When teams face technical debt they pick away, removing it piecemeal. After all, you have to eat an elephant one bite at a time right?

Trouble is, that only works if the elephant isn’t growing as fast as you’re chewing.

You need a two-pronged attack – what I like to call “topping and tailing”. The “top” is all the incoming issues and build-up of new debt. This is where you need to stop the bleeding. The “tail” is the backlog of existing debt. It’s already there – gently rotting in the corner of your product.


If you’ve read my post on stopping the bleeding, this is the crux of “topping”. You may have a variety of strategies for this but here’s the fundamentals.

Incoming Customer Defects

Ringfence enough capacity to address defects as soon as they come in. Make sure your burn rate matches your incoming rate. If you’re strapped, it’s your call whether you only cover high severity issues but for my money, I’d hit them all. A multi-year build-up of low severity issues makes products ugly, no pleasure for the users and a series of minor problems rapidly becomes a major burden and a big debt buildup.

Addressing every incoming defect doesn’t mean fixing every one. Whilst I generally recommend you do, when trying to dig yourself out of an oubliette the bigger issue is how to keep your goal achievable.

Be critical. The big, nasty bugs are usually pretty obvious but what about the rest?

    • Is it low severity and not important?
      • Is it quick & cheap to fix? – Just fix it.
      • If it’s not – Can you put a safety rail around it? Document it as a limitation or even ignore it?

Negotiate with your customers and make an explicit decision to fix now or never. Once decisions are made, communicated and agreed, close the defects in your backlog.

Getting these conversations happening immediately makes customers far happier than pretending they’ll just go away and never making a decision. (but not quite as happy as fixing their issues).

Incoming Internal Defects

The story here is the same. I’ve called it out independently as many companies and teams do.

Those incoming internal defects speak volumes about your approach to quality.

Get the discipline in place to fix them when you find them or be brutal and admit which ones will never be fixed but don’t pussyfoot around!

  • If you provide a service to other internal teams, treat them as customer defects.
  • If they’re raised by your own team, are they on new code or exposing existing issues?
    • On new code, fix them! – No excuses .
    • On existing code, the problems are already there. You need to decide if what you’ve done has made it more visible or harder to work with than before and make a judgement call. Fix now or never, resolve or close.

In the next article in this series I’ll cover debt prevention